Bless you! 祝愿你!Bottle it! 闭嘴!Don't move! 不准动!Nice save! 标致的救減肥藥,场I'll be in touch! 连结联结!I'll check it out! 我去看看!Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Can you dig it? 你搞大白了吗?None of your 滑鼠墊, business! 要你管?Don't mention it. 不要紧,别客套。Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗?Time is running out! 没有时候了!We better get going! 最佳顿时就走!Does it serve your purpose? 对你有效吗?
I’m happy to meet you.很欢快见到你。这句话和Nice to meet you.的意思同样,可是后者一般只是用于两小我方才碰头的时辰。I’m glad to see you again.很欢快再次见到你。again,暗示“再次、再”一般放在句尾。I’ll call you.我会打德律风给你。call 除暗示“叫”也有“打德律风”的意思。I feel like taking a walk.我想溜达。feel like doing something ,想要做某事。
I want something to eat.我想吃点工具。something to eat ,吃的工具。这句话还可以如许说:I want to eat something.want to do something ,想要做某事I need your help.我必要你的帮忙。need ,暗示“必要”。I see what your mean.我领会你的意思。see 除“看”的意思,另有“领会、大白”的意思。好比oh, I see就是“我大白了,我懂了”的意思。Time is running out.没有时候了。run out是“用完、用尽”的意思。She always talks big.她老是吹法螺。talk big字面意思可以理解为“说鬼话”。吹法螺还可以用boast暗示。How are things going?事变@希%j271s%望得怎%l9181%么@?最经常使用的问候语,不少人只晓得how are you,实在老外很少如许说。比力隧道的说法除how are things going,还可以用what’s things going。以上是今天禀享的英语日经常使用语,大师在糊口中要多加利用,英语白话才会有所提高。