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發表於 2019-7-6 13:11:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
hello,今天继续来分享雅思白话换题季的Part2的新话题 。

1. Describe a comic actor / cartoon character who is popular in your country.

You should say:

who the actor/character is

how you know him/her

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why he/she is popular.


I think it’s fair to say – 我感觉可以说……

pull funny faces - 扮出好笑的鬼脸

his funny faces set him apart from other comedians – 他的鬼脸把他和此外笑剧演员区分了开来

an array of = a wide range of

the impression I get of him is that – 他给我的印象就是……

he’s a very down-to-earth guy - Not pretentious,不夸耀的

like -(暗示思虑下面的话或用作口头禅)嗯,这个(一些人不喜好此用法) Some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it..

mega rich = extremely rich

he carries himself… - 他的举止举措……

unassuming - 谦虚的,不装模作样的,不招摇的;

he comes across as –他给人的印象是…

that’s pretty much all there is to say really – 差未几就如许(没有此外话可说了!)


He’s done a lot of good films

He’s also done a lot of charity work.

I think I’m right in saying that he also wrote and directed some of the films he’s been in.

So he’s incredibly talented, and I think you can kind of tell when you see him in films that there’s something special about him., but it’s hard to say exactly what it is!


Well, the actor that I’ve decided to talk about is Zhou Xingchi, who, I think it’s fair to say, is one of the most famous and popular comedians in China.

You know, I’ve watched his films ever since I was a child, which I’m sure could also be said for the majority of people my age in China. And the reason is simply that he’s just so incredibly funny. I mean, whenever I watch his films, I can’t stop myself from laughing. And I’m not sure if you’ve watched any of his films before or not, but I guess you could compare him to Jim Carrey, in the sense that they can pull really funny faces. And that’s probably what sets him apart from most other comedians in China. You know, he’s got such an array of different facial expressions!

Anyway, as for what kind of person he is, well I don’t know him personally of course, but the impression I get of him is that he’s a very down-to-earth guy. So you know I mean, although he’s, like, super famous and mega rich, he seems to carry himself in a very unassuming manner. For example, in the interviews I’ve seen of him, he comes across as being a very modest and likeable guy, which can’t be said for a lot of celebrities you see on TV these days!

So yeah, that’s pretty much all there is to say really, and if you haven’t seen any of his films before, then you should definitely watch one.



I love watching comedies, and my favorite comic actor is Yue Yunpeng, who has been quite famous in our country recently. I knew him from his series of Xiangsheng, which is a kind of traditional crosstalk in the northern part of China.

I remember it’s during a vacation in my college that I saw his crosstalk with another guy who didn’t know but turned out to be well-known as well. Excuse me, I was not that keen on this kind of show till I saw this performance of his. You know what? This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. I didn’t think the crosstalk would be quite funny as I was kind of a dull boy. However, when heard of the rhythm of Song of the Five Rings, which merely describes the difference of the ring roads of Beijing, I just couldn’t help but laugh out loud, you know the style of his singing was quite melodious and funny.

Well, why he’s become such a popular person? I guess the main reason is that this Song of Five Rings, which he indeed performed in a unique way, has made him an overnight celebrity.

2. Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done

you should say:

what it is

when did your friend do it

and explain why you want to do it


internet cafe 网吧

be suffused with 布满,满盈

be addicted to 沉沦于....

regard my opinion towards it as a stereotype 认为我的见解是种呆板印象

the feeling is irreplaceable 那种感受是没法替换的


The thing that my friend has done but I have not done is playing games in the internet cafe.

Internet cafe in China has a different image from that abroad. It is regarded as a rotten place by most middle-aged people. They believe that only those who frequently fail their subject or are unemployed would go there. It is always suffused with smoke from cigarettes and everybody there is addicted to games. If you go in, you will soon become like them. Having been surrounded by this idea since I was a little child, I have never been into internet cafe even though there are many near my school.

But my friend, Xiaomin, is different. He had gone there since secondary school. And playing games in the internet cafe takes most of his leisure time. At first, he went there without telling his parents, because he knew they would not agree. Then he came into college and there is no need to sneak.

Quite to my surprise, Xi淚溝,aoming is not a bad student. He achieves great grades in every course and treat others in good manners. When we play together, he would talk about internet cafe now and then, and regard my opinion towards it as a stereotype, which should be abandoned. Smoking is even prohibited in most internet cafes. He says that it is much more interesting and exciting to play games sitting beside your friends in internet cafe than playing them alone at home. The feeling is irreplaceable. Since then, I have always wanted to experience what it is like to play games there, but until now, I have not got a chance.

3.Describe the time when you received your first cellphone

You should say:

When you got it

How you got it

What you used it for

And explain how you felt when you got it.


Vague = 模胡的; (思惟上)不清晰的; (表达或感知)暗昧的; 暗昧的

Sketchy =不彻底的,不充实的

Relented = here it means: 妥协;变宽厚;变暖和;心软 If you relent, you allow someone to do something that you had previously refused to allow them to do

going on at = pestering, 胶葛, 不竭地请求

hit = reached

loads of = lots of (spoken English)

What else is there to say = 另有甚么可以说的……

overly =过分地,极端地

…or anything –或甚么的

what’s the word = 叫甚么来着

something like = about, 约莫


I’m gonna tell you a little bit about my first mobile phone, or at least as much as I can remember anyway, because I think it was about seven or eight years ago when I first got one, so my memory’s a bit sketchy.

Anyway, in terms of how I came to getting my first mobile, well basically, I had kind of been going on at my mum for quite a while to get me one, but she kept saying, quite rightly, that I was too young and didn’t really need one. But when I hit the age of about 15, I think it was, she finally relented, and took me to the shops to choose one.

So uh, yeah, I remember at the time that neither of us knew much about mobiles, so when we walked into the shop, we just asked the sales assistant there to reco妹妹end us one. And I think I’m right in saying that we ended up choosing the cheapest and most basic phone they had, simply because I wasn’t really interested in having loads of functions, you know, all I wanted to use it for was to call and text people.

So that’s how got I it, and um…what else is there to say, uh…. O抹茶粉,h yeah, as for how I felt when I got it, well, in actual fact, I didn’t feel overly excited or anything, you know, it was really just a feeling of, um… what’s the word, u妹妹….. I guess you could say it was like, um, a stronger sense of independence that I felt, um, as well as gratitude to my mum, of course, for giving it to me!

And I took pretty good care of it, you know, I even spent, like, 200 rmb on a leather case to go around it, and it lasted a pretty long time. I think I used it for something like 3 or four years before moving on to a better one. And I think I’ve still got it stored in a drawer somewhere at home. So uh, yeah that’s it. Thanks for listening.


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