
標題: 新东方雅思写作语料库:古老建筑是应该保护还是拆除 [打印本頁]

作者: admin    時間: 2019-7-6 12:21
標題: 新东方雅思写作语料库:古老建筑是应该保护还是拆除

Many old buildings are protected by the law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think they should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为应当撤除古老修建给新修建让路,是否定同?


The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous governments' expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 庇护古老修建花费不少政策财务,财务预算应当用于新修建和修路,是否定同?(2013年7月22日)







1. 古老修建汗青文化遗产的一部门,庇护古修建就是庇护文化遗产,由于古修蘆洲借貸,建是汗青的见证,供给了和曩昔详细的接洽,若是撤除古老修建,人类的汗青就是一团迷雾,都会落空了其特性,在其旧址上扶植的摩天高楼可以扶植活着界上的任何处所。

2. 庇护古老修建发生庞大的经济价值,不少古老修建已成为热点的游览资本,古老修建是都会风光的一部门,可以繁华游览经济,提高都会的佳誉度。

3. 不少古老修建表现一种修建的成绩, 加强都会的文化秘闻。


1. 不少古老修建年久失修,占用贵重地皮资本, 是以不克不及知足住房欠缺和生齿激增的必要。

2. 不少古老修建的修建气概不合适现代人的审美,和都会的成长不和谐。

3. 比拟庇护古老修建,改良交通,完美根本举措措施给人们的糊口带来更多现实的利好。

 新东台北當舖, 方网薛鹏原创雅思写作语料库:

1. safeguard old buildings v庇护古老修建

解析:safeguard n舒肤佳;v保卫……

2. preserve old buildings v庇护古老修建

3. protect old buildings v 庇护古老修建

4. knock down old buildings v撤除古老修建

5. tear down ancient buildings v 撤除古老修建

6. eradicate historic buildings 撤除……

解析:eradicate v革除……

拓展:be leveled v被夷为平地

7. maze n迷雾

8. old buildings = ancient buildings = historic buildings = traditional buildings n 古老修建

9. could strengthen a city’s cultural deposits …… v加强都会的文化秘闻

10. Numerous old buildings are protected by the law because they are part of a nation's history. 由于是国度汗青的一部门,不少的古老修建被法令庇护。

11. Some of the traditional buildings were worn down by the years without repair and occupy the precious land resources. 不少古老修建年久失修,占用了贵重的地皮资本

解析:wear v磨损;用旧 worn 曩昔式

12. Many historic and old buildings fail to keep up with the development of the city 不少古老修建和都会的成长不和谐。

解析:synchronize with = keep up with v 和……同步

13. Those old and historic buildings should be kept in intact. 汗青古老修建应当给连结原貌

解析:intact adj连结无缺的

14. Old and historic buildings are the symbol of a nation or a city’s unique culture and civilization 古老汗青修建是国度都会怪异的文化文明的意味。

15. Old buildings could vividly unveil mystery of historic events. 古老修建可以活泼地再现汗青事务的神秘。

解析:veil v 讳饰 unveil v 揭露了……

16. Those precious traditional buildings are parts of the city landscape 贵重的汗青修建是都会风景的一部门。

17. ……could be developed into hot places of interest v可以被开辟成热点的游览景区

18. can give a boost to the tourism of a city v可以促成都会的游览业成长

19. build a city’s popularity = enhance the reputation of a city v 提高一个都会的佳誉度

20. The long tradition and cultural heritage could be maintained in modern time by protecting those old and historic buildings. 经由过程庇护汗青古老修建,久长的传统和文化遗产在本地社会得以保留。

解析:cultural heritage = cultural legacy = cultural relics n文化遗产

拓展:inherit v 担当


薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥), 高中期间出书诗文集《选择顽强》,每一年创作20万字原创语料库和范文。吉林大学外国说话学及利用说话学硕士。17年英语讲授履历 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT讲授履历),前长春新东方功绩西席,屡次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作7.5分,托福写作29分)。




讲授理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教诲不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)


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