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1月8日雅思笔试写作真題全解析 | 附高分范文









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發表於 2022-1-20 13:49:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Some people agree that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education. Others disagree with it and reckon that nowadays it is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 




a subject of debate 争辩的主題 

an overall impact 总體的影响

diplomas and certificates 文凭

hard sciences 天然科學學科

a rite of passage for 必经阶段

pool of applicants 申请者们

job hunters 求职者

nurture 培育

information recipients 信息接管者

achieve their potential 实现他们的潜力

excel 超出

to value diversity in opinions 器重概念的多样性

hinge on 取决于

paramount 最首要的,重要的


The purpose of higher education has been a subject of debate for decades. While some claim that it is no longer necessary to go to college to succeed in life, I believe university education still has an overall impact on one’s life.

It is true that success is possible without a college degree. Although some industries are more likely to require diplomas and certificates, such as fields of psychol嫩足產品推薦,ogy or hard sciences, many others rely more on related skills, for instance tec球版玩法,hnology and business. There are plenty of CEOs of tech firms who have built billion-dollar companies without college experience. 

Nevertheless, the truth is that a college degree is still a rite of passage for many careers. When hiring from candidates in a field, employers prefer those who have completed a higher level of educa增髮噴霧,tion. This is because educational requirements are quick and easy ways to narrow down the pool of applicants, especially when there are more than enough job hunters. Indeed, the fewer years of education one has completed, the fewer doors are open to him or her. 

More importantly, the role of university is to provide learning co妹妹unities where prepared minds are nurtured. As members of these co妹妹unities, students are not information recipients who acquire knowledge in a passive way; instead, they are challenged to achieve their potential and indeed to excel. Therefore, universities offer learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious, to value diversity in opinions, and to think critically and co妹妹unicate effectively. In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence, and this process contributes to the development of their abilities and personalities, which is the key to a successful life. 

Overall, being successful does not necessarily hinge on a college degree, but to most people the pursuit of education is paramount to the future success in today’s world. 







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