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雅思口语:describe a historical period









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2019-7-6 12:29:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
雅思白话对付“汗青”也算执着,一下子在Part 1考,一下子又在Part 2考,并且一下子考“人”,一下子考“事”。此次来了个综合的,考咱们“时代”!真是一波又一波的熬煎…… 以是可见,对付“汗青”这个话题的辞汇,必定要提早备起来,并且不但要会描述汗青人物,还得悉道怎样先容他们的业绩和阿谁期间的特色。若是以前你筹备过汗青人物,那末对付这个新的话题,除现有素材以外还很多聊聊他所处的时代,若是你筹备过汗青事务,那末别帮衬着讲一个故事,把时候轴拉长一些。



Personally, I think the most special period of history is the one when Wu Zetiam was the ruler of our country in Tang Dynasty. You must have heard a lot about this woman. She’s the first and only female emperor in Chinese history.

I think what she did was unbelievable, in that patriarchal society, it’s basically impossible for a woman to be a leader, but somehow she did it. So besides the fact that she’s got great leadership skills, I guess people at that time must be super open-minded.

I learned from history book that her husband, the emperor at that time was pretty weak, I mean, his physical condition was not that good. And he died at a very young age. Traditionally, her son should be the next emperor, but he was too young to manage a country, so Wu Zetian decided to help her son rule the country temporarily, and that was the start of her legendary life.

I don’t know the details about ho消痔瘡茶,w she came into power, we just learned the reforms she carried out and近視雷射, the contribution she made to the society. During her reign, China became unprecedentedly strong in terms of military, culture and economy.

If I had a time machine, I would travel back in time to that period of history, and see for myself what it was like.

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