The player is usually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to others .
(选自剑6 P172 考官满分范文,关于电脑利用对孩子的利弊)。
本句中“ too much exposure” 暗示 ”打电脑游戏打得太多”。“exposure”的本意是“表露”,咱们肯建都熟悉这个单词,但能在这个语境下想到并利用”expose”的这个用法的考生却百里挑一。
“exposure”暗示“在量或度上,密集地,频仍地接触某物”。如“exposure to smoggy weather”暗示“表露于或置身于雾霾中”, 正确形象地表达了“雾霾出格多”如许的语义。
一样,例句中的 “too much exposure” 也奇妙地转达了“玩电脑游戏太多(在量或度上)”这个寄义。因而可知,用词的最高地步是“准”和“巧”。这就是为甚么在学单词时,教员老是叫咱们必定要领会这个单词各类寄义及各类用法了。若是只是熟悉”exposure”这个单词,对它的理解也只是流于概况,那末很在特定的语境中正确地转达特定寄义的。这就致使咱们写出来的文章,利用的辞汇低级低级的阶段。
①Today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful working conditions mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time.
②If there were easy-to-reach sports centers, we would be more likely to make exercise a regular part of our daily lives, rather than collapsing in front of a screen every evening.
从语法角度来看,句子一是宾语从句,句子二是前提状语从句。但为甚么在这两个位置要别离用到这两个从句呢?句子一的焦点布局是“…象征着…”, 如:“考不外雅思就象征着申请不到黉舍”,“春秋大了就象征着工具很难找”,如许的布局明显是在暗示一个客观究竟(如“考不外雅思”和“春秋大了”)所酿成的成果的猜测,而非决心利用所谓“宾语从句” (我也不认为这个老外考官晓得他本身所写的这个句子叫宾语从句!)。一样,句子二也是因果瓜葛的推理,但为啥用了“if”指导的前提状语从句呢?这明显是由于“there were easy-to-reach sports centers”不是客观究竟(很近的体育中间尚未修呢)。所谓前提状语从句,不就是暗示“尚未产生事务的推理”么?
除用词隧道,语法利用适当外,高分的作文必定要很是贴题,让读者浏览后有一种“懂且认同”的感受。如:要论证“现代社会的人加倍依靠别人”这个论点, 一篇高分作文如许写道:“people seem to be more ambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families. This means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend on support from grandparents and babysitters for child care”.