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發表於 2021-3-30 17:13:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


Many countries are trying to improve the standard of living of their people through economic development. However, some people think that many customs and the traditional ways of behaviors are no longer relevant to the modern life and no worth keeping. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20160910


由于,若是想否認本题干的话,那末對應many的不過就是a few或龍虎,all。换句话说,若是笔者概念是彻底分歧意题干,那末笔者要證实的是只有一些或少量的传统要被摒弃,或是所有的传统都必要被传承或被摒弃。很较着,这个逻辑是极為欠好論證的。以是,在科場傍边考生彻底没有需要给本身任意增长测验难度,老诚实实地赞成题干便可。


In this present-day society, it seems that contradictions always exist between cultural and traditional inheritance and social advancement. Some people, accordingly, suggest that some customs and conventional behavioral norms should not emerge into people's modern life. Personally, I am completely on the side of what they argue.


Some ancient moral standards and traditions have formed due to the limited social resources that they could share. An instance in point is that a couple of hundred years ago, three or even four generations of Chinese in a huge family lived under one roof. Consequently, conflicts happened all the time because of generation gaps. The reason why people chose to live together as a large family was because older generations in the ancient society had not ability to make a decent living so that they needed support from their offspring. Definitely, in modern society with a sound welfare system, people are able to live in a small family unit with much more exhilaration.



Worse, some other customs and traditions came into being because of people's wrong cognition to the world they were living in. Those traditions might include discriminations to some certain groups of people. In agricultural societies, females were not as productive as males, which led to the fact that men did have upper social status and women were not al粗腿雕塑,lowed to do many things that they were supposed to have rights to choose. Undoubtedly, in contemporary societies women have equal rights as men, and thus they can be treated fairly everywhere such as in education and employment.


To sum up, some traditions and cultures, if not most, are obviously incorrect, and with no doubt we must abandon them. On the other hand, there are also some others that we should pay every effort to pass down generation to generation, which can positively represent our time-honored culture and fine traditions of nations.




Some people think governments should spend money on measures to save languages with few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both and give your own opinion. 20110315

We have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development? 20121013

The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous governments' expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20130727

Traditional food is being replaced by international fast food. This has negative effects on family and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20110623


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