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Fruit Vocabulary in English | Learn Names of Fruits 英语瓜果辞汇进修中的瓜果名字

Learn Fruits and Vegetables Vocabulary in English好野娛樂城, 进修英语瓜果和蔬菜辞汇

Fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that you can eat. 瓜果或瓜果是发展在树上或灌木丛中的工具,含有种子或被你可以吃的物资笼盖的石头。

Learn Fruit Names with Pictures 用图片进修瓜果名称

Apple 苹果

An applea day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,大夫阔别我。

Watermelon 西瓜

The woman cut up the watermelonand shared it out among the four children. 女人把西瓜切开,分给了四个孩子

Orange 橙色

He cut the orangeinto quarters. 他把橘子分成四份。

Pear 梨

The pearis a delicious fruit and I like it very much. 梨是一种甘旨的瓜果,我很是喜好它。

Cherry 樱桃

Each cake had a cherryon top. 每一个蛋糕上面都有一颗樱桃。

Strawberry 草莓

The strawberryharvest failed because of the drought. 因为干旱草莓歉收。

Nectarine 油桃

Cut that nectarineinto four pieces and then take out the pit. 把油桃切成四片,然后掏出果核。

Grape 葡萄

He put a grapeinto his mouth and swallowed it whole. 他把一颗葡萄放进嘴里,把它全部吞了下去。

Mango 芒果

That mangotasted divine! 阿谁芒果味道好极了!

Blueberry 蓝莓

When we got home, my mother decided to make a blueberrypie. 当咱们抵家时,我妈妈决议做一个蓝莓派。

Pomegranate 石榴

The pomegranatetrees in the yard have borne fruit. 院子里的石榴树结了果实。

Carambola(U.K) – starfruit (U.S) 杨桃(英国)-杨桃(美国)

We decorated dishes with slices of carambola/starfruitand kiwi. 咱们用杨桃/杨桃和猕猴桃片来装潢菜肴。

Plum 李子

The plumseason is about to begin. 梅花季候行将起头。

Banana 香蕉

She peeled off the skin of a bananafor the child. 她为孩子剥去香蕉皮。

Raspberry 树莓

For dessert, I dig into the raspberrybread pudding. 至于甜点,我喜好吃树莓面包布丁。

Mandarin 桔子

Mandarinoranges have a lot of vitamin C. 桔子含有大量的维生素C。

Jackfruit 菠萝蜜

Many people like the taste of jackfruit, but i銀行代辦,t smells terrible. 很多人喜好菠萝蜜的味道,可是菠萝蜜的味道很难闻。

Papaya 木瓜

Papayaand pineapple contain enzymes which break down soft protein. 木瓜和菠萝含有酶,可以分化软卵白质。

Kiwi 猕猴桃

I love to drink kiwifruit juice. 我喜好喝猕猴桃果汁。

Pineapple 菠萝

The pineapplewas sweet and juicy. 这个菠萝又甜又多汁。

Lime 酸橙

Oranges, lemons, limesand grapefruit are types of citrus fruit. 橙子、柠檬、酸橙和葡萄柚都是柑桔类瓜果。

Lemon 柠檬

We’d better add in some lemonjuice before mixing the flour with sugar. 在面粉和糖夹杂以前,咱们最佳加些柠檬汁。

Apricot 杏

The apricottrees are in full blossom. 杏树开满了花。

Grapefruit 葡萄柚

Grapefruitcan help reduce harmful blood cholesterol levels and cranberry juice relieves cystitis. 葡萄柚可以帮忙低落有害的血液胆固醇程度,蔓越莓汁可以减缓膀胱炎。

Melon 瓜

We had melonfor lunch at school. 咱们在黉舍午饭吃瓜。

Coconut 椰子

Coconutis a basic ingredient for many curries and other Asian dishes. 椰子是很多咖喱和其他亚洲菜肴的基来源根基料。

Avocado 鳄梨

Avocadosalad is a favourite of mine. 鳄梨沙拉是我的最爱。

Peach 桃子

The peachtrees cast all their blossoms after the heavy rain. 大雨事后,桃树的花都凋落了。

Learn Names of Fruits | Image 进修瓜果|图象的名称

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