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雅思口语:a dream home you would like to have









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2019-7-6 12:28:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

雅思白话里近来总问a dream home you would like to have ,既然是“空想”,便可以不确切际,便可以想入非非。“瞎扯”对付考生来讲,总归要比“描写”简略。以是虽然阐扬本身的想象力吧,别太玄乎就OK。若是想象力有限,就去查一下比尔盖茨的屋子,说不定灵感就来了!

My dream home should be a 2-story beach house. The walls are made of glass, and there would be a pair of French windows that leads to my front yard. I’m a huge fan of growing flowers, like roses and sunflowers, so my front yard must be like a garden.

When you step into my house, you would see my dining room and a fully equipped kitchen. I’m a big foodie, so I think I would hire a professional cook to make dishes for me, to satisfy my appetite, you know. And next to the kitchen, there’s my guest room, and the window should face the front yard, to make sure the views outside the window are pleasant.

My bedroom should be on the second floor, and the ceiling in my room can be opened, and by that I mean, if I want to see the stars at night, I could actually lie on my bed and admire the starry sky, sounds awesome, uh!

Oh, and the most important thing is, the glass walls I mentioned earlier come with special effects, I mean, it works by remote control, if I want to live in a forest, there would be pictures of woods showing up on the walls, which means, I could choose to live wherever I want. I know it’s not real, but it just feels good.

Oh, and I have to have an automatic maid who can clean up the house and take care of all the household chores. I’m pretty sure in the foreseeable future, that’s quite possible.

I know a house like this is way out of my league right now, but maybe one day when I’m rich enough, I could afford one.


story = storey = a level of a building; a floor 比方:

the upper/ lower storey of the house

a single-storey/ two-storey building

French window = a glass door, usually one of a pair, that leads to a garden/ yard or balcony

foodie = a person who is very interested in cooking and eating different kinds of food

guest room = a bedroom that is kept for guests to use

remote control = the ability to operate a machine from a distance using radio or electrical signals

It works by remote control.

a remote-control camera

for/ in the foreseeable future = for/ in the period of time when you can predict what is going to happen, based on the present circumstances 比方:

The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future.

It's unlikely that the hospital will be closed in the foreseeable future (= soon).

league = a level of quality, ability, etc. 比方:

As a painter, he is in a league of his own (= much better than others3d彩繪,).

They're in a different league from us.

When it comes to cooking, I'm not in her league (= she is much better than me).

A house like that is out of our league (= too expensive for us).











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