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雅思口语:a historical period that you are interested in









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2019-7-6 12:31:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


I’d like to talk about Tang Dynasty, which is about over 1000 years ago.

This dynasty lasted for 300 years, but I’d like to talk about the most prosperous period of time in that dynasty.

Archaeology evidence shows that it used to be the most powerful country in the world, international students from all over the globe, especially Asia like Korea and Japan, would come to China to learn about the manners and art. Foreign businessmen flocked to China to do business with us. I guess the Silk Road has witnessed all of this. It’s fair to say that the capital city Chang An was the biggest metropolis in the world at that time.

The biggest feature of that dynasty is poetry and calligraphy. There are countless poets in Tang Dynasty, and they created so many far-reac西藏旅遊, hing poems.

National leaders at that time were pretty open-minded and tolerant, and various religions were developed really fast and started to flourish in Tang Dynasty.

Today, there are quite a few movies and TV series based on stories that happened during that period of time, scriptwriters and directors all want to recreate that legendary dynasty. I guess it just goes to show how spectacular it was.


prosperous = (formal) rich and successful 比方:

prosperous countries

Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the country.

flock = to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers 比方:

Thousands of people flocked to the beach this weekend.

Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.

metropolis = a large important city (often the capital city of a country or region)

far-reaching = likely to have a lot of influence or many effects 比方:

far-reaching consequences / changes / reforms

open-minded = willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas

tolerant (of / towards somebody / something) = able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it 比方:

He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.

flourish = to develop quickly and be successful or co妹妹on 比方:

Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.

The arts began to flourish at that time.

There was a flourishing black market.

recreate = to make something that existed in the past exist or seem to exist again比方:

The movie recreates the glamour of 1940s Hollywood.

legendary = very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration 比方:

a legendary figure

the legendary Bob Dylan

Her patience and tact are legendary.

it goes to show = used to say that something proves something 比方:

It just goes to show what you can do when you really try.

spectacular = very impressive 比方:

spectacular scenery

He scored a spectacular goal.

It was a spectacular achievement on their part.

a spectacular display of fireworks











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