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發表於 2019-7-6 13:52:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


【作文标题】The pie charts show percentages of females and males working in private and government organizations.



【综合点评】 通例静态图。必要注重段落划分,可以以性别为分段根据。静态图必要重点描写数据之间的比拟瓜葛,不异性别在分歧公司中事情时候是非的比拟,和不异公司中分歧性此外员工事情时候的比拟。写比拟内容时,可以用unlike,while,in comparison with几种分歧的句型开展,防止表达反复。


【作文标题】When a new town is planned, it is more important to develop public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




When planning a new town, the authorities have various factors to consider and need to prioritize the construction of different facilities. To encourage active lifestyles, in my opinion, it is more important to build public parks and sports fa-cilities than shopping centers.

Providing sports facilities is an effective way to improve city dwellers' health, and thus reduce the government budget for medical expenses in the long term. In this day and age, many people live a sedentary lifestyle, choosing to watch TV or play video games after work, and collapsing in front of the screen every even-ing. With easy access to various kinds of sport facilities, they are more likely to make exercise a regular part of their lives.

The park is also a good place for exercise, particularly to those who are not interested in competitive sports. Jogging, dancing and part practicing Tai Chi in the park are quite co妹妹on among elderly citizens these days. In the park with high greening rate plants, and trees can absorb waste gases, and provide green shade, creating a comfortable environment for city dwellers. Those who spend leisure time in the park can have closed contact with nature and make them-selves refreshed.

By contrast, the main function of shopping centers is for people to buy var台中借錢, i-ous goods, but in today's world where online shopping is becoming increasingly prevalent, the role of physical stores seems to be weakened. Large shopping cen-ters can also include some leisure facilities, such as cafes and cinemas, but these are not as important as parks and sports centers.

To conclude, in the process of urban plann西藏旅遊, ing and construction, building parks and sports facilities should be emphasized, in comparison to developing shopping centers.

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