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2018年雅思考试学习技巧 如何有效利用雅思写作范文









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發表於 2019-7-6 16:32:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式



More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for environment?



Just 50 years ago, to own a car was quite a luxury, but today, cars have found their way into many households. Statistics show in China alone, there are over 140 million cars running on road every day. While cars have brought conveniences to their users, they have imposed great pressure on the environment.


开首段的重点是看你若何引出话题,并对标题举行重述,和若何表达本身的整体概念的。引出话题的法子不少,但很多烤鸭喜好利用模板开首法,好比消痔瘡茶,,with the development of the society... 或when it comes to the issue of...等,这些模板简直是全能的,几近可以合适任何话题,但偏偏由于其全能性,它也就落空了个性化,让作文开首陈旧见解,没有任何特点。

唐老雅教员建议:按照标题的现实内容,可以斟酌在引出话题的时辰将其详细化。也就是说,不要简略粗鲁地提出一个话题,而是对这个话题举行得当详细阐明。在本例中,标题的原话是:more and more people buy and use their own car. 咱们固然可以如许开首:With the development of economy, now many people can afford to buy and use their own car. 但这类开首显得过于一般,不易感动考官。若是咱们把标题中“愈来愈多的人采办和利用本身的汽车”举行详细化,咱们可能就会问:约莫是何时愈来愈多的人采办汽车?到底有几多人采办汽车?如许,咱们便可以在这个开首中供给更多与会商相干的细节了。



1. City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today and the sense of co妹妹unity has been lost. Why has this happened and how to solve this problem? (2016年9月24日真题)

2. The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2017年5月20日真题)


1. Now we have numerous newspaper reports about a child being robbed without anybody offering to help him or a ninety-year-old poor woman dead at home for days without anybody knowing it. All these reports point to one key problem that face dwellers in cities, especially big cities: they seldom interact with their neighbors, much less to say they care about their neighbors and they feel lonely because they do not feel they belong to any co妹妹unity.

2. There seems to be more and more violence in films and on TV these days such as beating, murdering, gun fighting, blood shedding, among others. As I see it, the excessive exposure to these violent scenes will greatly affect the theater-goers and TV viewers, thus increasing the likelihood of their co妹妹itting the same violent crimes in real life, so I would strongly suggest that the amount of violence in films and TV be controlled in order to decrease the crime rate in society.


Modern city life has made the car an indispensable means of transport. Though most cities today have fairly advanced transportation systems like the bus and metro, they tend to be extremely crowded, especially in rush hours. This means you might come to your office late or miss some important appointments. If you drive your own car, these problems may well be avoided. At the same time, when you plan to take your family for a trip out of town, you may also enjoy the flexibility of when to start off and when to return, rather than spending time waiting for the bus to arrive.


本段会商利用本身的汽车可能带来的益处,分两个方面会商:一是本身开车可以防止上班迟到或毛病首要约会,而是本身开车和家人外出时也更便利。那末若何才能清楚地论证这两层意思呢?请列位烤鸭先看本段的布局:第一句从整体上提炼“现代都会糊口使得汽车成为一种不成或缺的交通手腕”,接下来先讲一个方面,然后用at the same time引出此外一个方面,如许的布局可从总体上确保逻辑联贯。


说话方面,烤鸭们可以重点看看这些辞汇:indispensable(不成或缺的); advanced(高档的); appointment(约会); flexibility(机动性); start off(动身)。从句子长度放置来看,本段共5个句子,别离为短句-长句-短句-短句-长句,显得犬牙交错。在论证第二层意思时,老雅利用了一个长句,其缘由是以前的两个句子都属于短句,这里写一个长句可以起到扭转行文节拍的感化。但如果细心看,这个长句的布局实在一点也不繁杂:when you..., you may also enjoy..., rather than...。大师日常平凡在段落写作中,也能够成心识地操练夹杂是非句来表达思惟。


However, the increased use of cars has caused serious consequences for our environment. Many experts, for instance, attribute the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them. This accusation is perhaps well-grounded if you make a little comparison between the air quality 50 years ago and that now. In addition to the waste gas and dust, cars also make unbearable noises, which is a headache to all city dwellers. Just imagine a time you are shocked awake from your cozy dream by the sharp braking screech of a car passing by your house!


本段论证私人车的增多对情况带来的压力,仍是从两个方面来开展阐述:一是汽车尾气带来的氛围污染,二是汽车噪音给都会住民带来的困扰。本段从一个管辖的主题句the increased use of cars has caused serious consequences for our environment起头,然后会商氛围污染问题(共2句),最后会商噪音问题(共2句)。如许,本段共5句话,布局很是平衡。此中,在会商噪音问题时,利用了一个想象的情境(“想象一下,某次一辆汽车从你屋前颠末,难听的刹车声把你从好梦中惊醒!”),让整篇论文解脱了死板无味的说理,有至关稠密的个性化特点。这类阐述法子被称为“以情动听”,不少时辰可以作为“以理服人”的弥补。在雅思作文中,若是瓜代利用“事理”和“豪情”,文章就会显得加倍机动活泼。

说话方面,烤鸭们可重点进修consequence(后果); attribute...to...(把......归罪于......); worsening(不竭恶化的); accusation(责怪,指控); well-grounded(有按照的)等。在Many exper牙周病治療,ts attribute the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them一句中,若是不消attribute...to...或类似的布局,咱们可能会如许写:Now, the air quality in big cities is becoming worse and worse. Many experts believe this is because of the exhaust gas the cars emit and the dust that rises after them. 如许写固然也是不错的,但从句型紧凑的角度就做得不敷。烤鸭们可以常常做做如许的思惟操练,即:若是不消范文中的某个句子布局,我怎么写才能表达出范文中的意思?


In my view, it is unrealistic for the government to put a ban on the car ownership or use since the cars have been so important in our daily life, yet we cannot overlook the negative effects they have on the environment. To get out of this dile妹妹a, to my mind, there are two options, the first being to develop car technology and produce cars that burn less fuel and the second, encourage the car owners to use public transportation whenever possible.



说话方面,烤鸭可存眷这些辞汇:unrealistic(不实际的); put a ban on...(限定......);overlook(轻忽); dile妹妹a(窘境); option(选择)等。在To get out of this dile妹妹a, to my mind, there are two options, the first being to develop car technology...一句中,注重being的准确情势,这里利用的是自力主格布局,being不克不及更换为is。这个布局不少同窗难以把握,可以改写以下,以确保准确性:To get out of this dile妹妹a, to my mind, there are two options. The first is to develop car technology..., and the second is to encourage...


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