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發表於 2019-7-6 12:25:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

以前跟大师说过,雅思白话中这道ideal house话题,彻底是阐扬咱们的想象力和做白天梦的禀赋便可以搞定的标题。就是不消斟酌花消,money is no object,要啥有啥!并且这个雅思白话标题另有一个很好的思绪,就是连系咱们的hobby,来设计我们家的安插:

I want to live in a big house with great views, so a house near a river or a park would be perfect.

A soft king size bed is on my must-have list, because after a long day’s work, I really need a good rest on the comfy bed. And a walk-in closet with tons of clothes and accessories is every girl’s dream, I’m sure.

And also, the spacious bathroom must be equipped with a Jacuzzi, so every night before I go to bed, I can enjoy a relaxing bubble bath and release all of my pressure.

As a foodie, there has to be a variety of cookers in my kitchen. And a big oven is necessary ‘cause I like to bake my own cakes. Cooking is my favorite pastime, and I find it quite soothing. Making all kinds of dessert is my forte. Plus, I can invite my friends over and cook for them. That would be nice.

The entertainment facilities in my living room must be state of the art, like the fancy home theater and the Xbox, that way my guests would never feel bored because there’s so much to do in the house.

I’m also a dog person, so I’d like a room for my pet dog. I know puppies can be a little naughty, and they always make a mess, so a room of their own is a must.

In my spare time, I’m really into growing some plants and flowers, so a roomy sunlit balcony would be perfect for my hobby.

And as for the location, my house should be situated in the city center, because it would be convenient to get around and I’ll have easy access to all the public facilities. But the only downside is, the housing price might be a little high, so I might not able to afford it until I am 30 years old.

大师可以把这个屋子无穷“装修”,好比,若是你是一名bookworm,你便可以要一间书房(study);若是你是一名老顽童,咱们还可以建一个game room,内里你可以play pool(打台球),play table tennis,各类board games、video games;若是你是一名fitness freak,就给本身一间workout room吧!Anyway,喜好做甚么,就说甚么,这道雅思面试标题给了大师超大的空间,自由阐扬吧!











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