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發表於 2019-7-6 12:30:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式




My favorite building is the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai.

It used to be the tallest building in China, and it’s a magnet for tourists.

I heard it was designed by a renowned architect, and its unique and futuristic design has made it the landmark of Shanghai.

It’s really eye-catching at night, you know, when all the lights on the tower are on. People from all over the globe like to take pictures with it. And the lights are always changing, so every picture you took is different. When you are walking along the Huangpu River, you can even see couples taking wedding photos with the tower in the background.

I’ve never stepped into the tower, but I was told, in the tower, there is a revolving restaurant, a museum and a 20-room hotel called the Space Hotel. And when you take the elevator to the top of the tower, you can have a bird’s eye view of the whole city, which is spectacular. On the upper observation platform, there’s an outside area with a glass floor. If you are afraid of height, then I don’t reco妹妹end you to go there, I mean, you’ll be scared to death.

It’s now like a symbol of China, I mean, in foreign movies, when they want to tell the audience the story is happening in China, we can always see this TV tower on the screen.


There’s not really any other building like it in the world, at least as far as I know! So it really kind of sticks in your mind once you’ve seen it.

It was built primarily to act as a TV transmission tower, although it’s more of a tourist attraction now.

It’s actually pretty simple in design, but there’s something about it that makes it look really cool and unique.

At night, it’s lit up really well, and I think most people would agree that it actually looks quite a lot better at night than it does during the day.


magnet (for somebody / something) = a person, place or thing that somebody / something is attracted to比方:

In the 1990s the area became a magnet for new investment.

renowned = famous and respected比方:

a renowned author

It is renowned as one of the region's best restaurants.

She is renowned for her patience.

futuristic design = a design that is extremely modern and unusual in appearance, as if belonging to a future time

landmark = something, such as a large building, that you can see clearly from a distance and that will help you to know where you are比方:

The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.

eye-catching = (of a thing) i妹妹ediately noticeable because it is particularly interesting, bright or attractive比方:

an eye-catching advertisement

beautiful clothes in eye-catching colors

revolving = [usually before noun] able to turn in a circle

a revolving chair / door / restaurant

The theatre has a revolving stage.

a bird’s eye view of something = a view of something from a high position looking down比方:

From the plane we had a bird's eye view of Manhattan.

scare / frighten somebody to death = to frighten somebody very much比方:

Spiders frighten him to death.

stick in your mind = (of a memory, an image, etc.) to be remembered for a long time比方:

One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.

primarily = mainly比方:

台北市花店,  a course designed primarily for specialists

The problem is not primarily a financial one.

The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety.

The person primarily responsible is the project manager.











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