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雅思口语 Part1: Reading









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2019-7-6 14:19:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
1 eat into reading time 花费浏览时候

I don’t think that the internet eats into reading time at all. 我不感觉上彀会花费不少浏览时候。

2 pretty much read everything online 差未几甚么都在网上读

Yeah, you see, for me I think it’s the exact opposite, it’s pretty bad. I pretty much read everything online, magazines or newspapers, and occasionally I’ll still buy a newspaper but I’ve completely stopped reading books. I just do not read books anymore and I think I’m not alone…… 是的,你看,在我眼里是彻底相反的,太糟了,我差未几甚么都在网上读,杂志呀,报纸呀甚么的。有时辰,我还会买买报纸,但至于念书我是真的不读了,并且我感觉应当不止我一小我是如许的吧。

3 as enjoyable as it used to be 像曩昔同样喜好

I’ve read online, ironically, of other people who sa未上市,y that they’ve stopped reading books because you’re so used to reading online now that the actual process of sitting down and reading a book just isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be. 具备嘲讽象征的是,有些人说他们不念书了,是由于他们习气在收集上浏览像曩昔那种坐下来好好念书哪一种方法对他们来讲其实不是那末喜好。

4 hard copy form 纸质

Well, having said that it doesn’t affect how much I read, I have to say that I have stopped reading newspapers in hard copy form. I tend to check the news items on the websites so, yeah, in that regard, I do read less than I used to. 说到不影响我读几多,我想说我已不读纸质版的报纸了,我一般在网站上看消息,以是就这一点而言,我确切比之前读的少了。

5 save all the trees being cut down 让树木免于被砍

I’m also concerned about the environment so I sort of feel th茵蝶,at if I can get the news from the Internet then it’s saving all the trees being cut down and printed into a newspaper form. 我也有点担忧情况,以是我有点感觉若是我在网上看动静,就不要砍树那些了,由于不必要印刷版的消息甚么的。

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